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Types of certification schemes:


Costs and Conditions to obtain:

  1. Russian certificates
  2. Ukrainian certificate
  3. Certificate for Kazakhstan


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kazakh certificate invoice services

Certificate GOSTK for Kazakhstan. (ROK)

The Certificate of the Customs Union (CU certification) - is an official document confirming the quality of production to approved standards within the territory of the Customs Union. The Customs Union consists of three countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. These countries have agreed on the sole basis of technical and regulatory rules.

There is a lot of documents whose would be required for the export of industrial equipment and operating in Kazakhstan:

1. Stage : customs clearance:

  • certificate GOST-K / an exemption letter
  • Sanitary-epidemiological certificate

2. Phase ordering and perform
  • Certificate GOST-K
  • Sanitary-epidemiological certificate
  • Fire Safety Certificate
  • Permission of the National Committee of Technical Regulation Kazakhstan
  • Technical Passport

This does not mean that all the above mentioned documents are required in all cases. We help to provide technical documentation and advise what documents are needed and accepted for issue the certificate.

Certificate GOST-K
(Certificate of Conformity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.)

It is a declaration that the goods include in the certificate agrees with the standard of safety and quality requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This compatibility is established by GOST K:

Certification bodies accredited by the Federal Agency for Technical regulation and Metrology in certain areas: mechanical, electrical, electronic equipment, construction goods, chemical, food product, etc.. adapted to the relevant Certificate is established on the basis of:
  • Of applied documents, reports, tests, ISO 9001 Certificate, product specifications, drawings and diagrams, etc.
  • Tests carried out in a laboratory accredited by the Gosstandard established in Kazakhstan
  • Visit the expert in plant

  • There are two types of certification GOST-K:

  • Certificate for shipment which is valid for a certain batch of goods supplied only according to the contract. It is issued on the basis of the documents and, in some cases, a visual inspection of the equipment to ensure that the actual unit refers to the documentation provided by the manufacturer. Contrary to GOST-R, GOST-K has a limited validity (6 or 12 months).
  • Certificate with validity for 1 year certificate or certificate for 3 years. They can be issu on the basis of the inspection, along with the relevant documents.

  • The list of goods for which a certificate GOST K in Kazakhstan is required for customs clearance is determined by the Government Decree No. 367 of20.04.2005. The above-mentioned resolution of a list of goods to the relevant tariff codes for the GOST-K is a mandatory document presented to the Customs Office. However, in practice, there are many cases where this is not required by customs. For such cases may be issued an exemption letter. These letter is issue by Accredited Notified Bodies and serve as the official explanation for the customs officers.

    We assist to obtaining any type of certificate GOST-K required by the customer. In the event of a visit to the factory, our company will set all the plans visit and will be accompanied by our expert professionals and provide them with all the documents, including interpretation / translation. Also we can provide you with negative letter on your product, if is is necessary.

    GGTN K Permission

    This document is issued by the Ministry of the Emergency Situations ROK (also known as GGTN K), certifying that the equipment included in the Permit meets the approval of the relevant safety requirements in Kazakhstan. This includes the production of goods with high pressure and high temperature or products operated in hazardous / toxic liquids and gases, such as pressure vessels, pumps, valves, compressors, turbines, burners, furnaces, lifting equipment, automation and controllers due to potentially hazardous processes, etc. Besides, GGTN K - permission is required for all electrical products earmarked for operation in hazardous environments

    As GOST-K are two types of permits GGTN: For 1 shipment GGTN K 3-year license, which is valid for batch of goods and according by a contract. It is issued on the basis of documents . Permission for three years. Normally, may be issued on the basis of the required documents. We assist in obtaining this permission.

    GGTN K-permit fire (fire certificate Kazakh) Permission GGTN Fire Safety Certificate is a document issued by the fire brigade department of the Ministry of the abovementioned ROK Exceptional situations and statements with which the equipment is in compliance with safety regulations Kazakh, it is similar to the certificate GOST-K, GGTN fire permits may be issued on the basis of:
  • Documents
  • Tests carried out in an accredited Fire laboratory

  • There are two types of permits the fire GGTN
  • Permission for the one shipment, which is only valid for a certain batch of goods supplied and in accordance with a contract, with no expiry date.
  • 3-year permit fire list of products for which a permit fire GGTN K is required and is similar to that in Russia.
  • In general, all products can be divided into 5 categories:
  • All types of tools, materials, electronic devices, etc.;
  • Materials (PVC sheets, mineral wool mats, wall / floor / carpet finishing materials, etc.);
  • Elements of design (cables, air ducts, etc.
  • Electrical equipment (almost all types of cables)
  • Electrical Generators

  • Metrological Certificate:

    This certificate is required for all measuring instruments, that is measured in relation to all measures to set the scope and accuracy. This certificate is issued by the Federal Agency for Technical YEAR regulation and metrology based on documents prepared by an accredited Institute of Metrology. It declares that the measuring instruments
  • Are in line to act as a formal way of measuring range and accuracy of the detected Annex to this certificate;
  • Equipment for calibration of these instruments as available in all Kazakh Metrology Centers are two types of Certificate of Metrology
  • Certificate of Metrology for a batch can be issued for each party instruments with serial numbers registered on the certificate is issued on the basis of documents which have an expiration date
  • The Five-Year Certificate of Metrology which may be issued on the basis of samples and documents

  • In most cases, a visit to the factory is not required for the Certificate of Metrology, unless the scope of the certification of measuring instruments is a newly developed not having any analogues in Kazakhstan. Assist in obtaining Certificate of Metrology. Technical Passport In contrast to all the above types of certificates and approvals, Technical Passport is a document prepared and signed by the equipment manufacturer / supplier. Includes technical specifications, operating and maintenance instructions, declarations of conformity, the manufacturer, as well as maintenance and repair. Equipment, for which a passport is required include: pressure vessels, boilers, compressors, turbines, pumps, etc. We help you in getting Technical Passport

    If you have more questions, please complete contact form.
    Our experts will help to solve your problems with pleasure.