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  1. Russian ministry expects to complete WTO talks by yr-end.
  2. Russia will have to gradually raise the retirement age to 65 years, Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Shatalov said
  3. Putin: activities of foreign bank branches in Russia should today be restricted.
  4. Energy Resources - Russia to look for oil off Cuban coas.
  5. Technical Regulations About safety of food production.
  6. The important changes concerning the completing the Declaration of Conformity.
  7. New technical regulations that are the subject of the latest CU Commission meeting.
  8. >> More news >>

The important changes concerning the completing the Declaration of Conformity.

The main reason for the introduction of new requirements, was the optimization of the efficiency of the customs services of all structures, the strengthening of the control over imports and exports, as well as the introduction of clear definitions for the most accurate classification of products according to the requirements of the CU customs inspection.

The additional requirements include a list of the changed rules of the application form for all types of goods. Another reason for the approval of a new list of requirements for a Declaration of Conformity customs are reports that there is a risk of misinterpretation of the nature and specificity of production only on the basis of tariff codes. In addition to checking documents, customs officials had also sought information on the basis of tariff codes and interpret the compatibility of the rules on certain groups of goods - it required too much time and efforts.

Verification carried out that the documentation was often incomplete because of the ambiguity in identifying the type of production, hence the manufacturer or dealer unpredictable difficulties encountered in time-to-market production and the time attempting to cross the border.

From 22 October in the case of certain categories of goods, including those that have a number of qualitative characteristics, are of varying quality, it will be credited to the declaration required detailed information about this production.
  • The list of products that are covered by the new rules;
  • The list of products subject to special rules to protect the interests of the state, on receipt of a letter of refusal to produce, which is not subject to mandatory certification;
  • The list of goods with specific requirements for exports.
The new requirements now apply to categories of transported goods, such as equipment, chemicals, nuclear materials and technologies. In addition, the statement provides the information on the method of use and operation of production. The founders of the new Declaration believe that the new rules will help businesses avoid unnecessary penalties for improper presentation of the declaration form.

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