eac tel. +48 51 508-92-94

Types of certification schemes:


Costs and Conditions to obtain:

  1. Russian certificates
  2. Ukrainian certificate
  3. Certificate for Kazakhstan


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  1. Russian ministry expects to complete WTO talks by yr-end.
  2. Russia will have to gradually raise the retirement age to 65 years, Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Shatalov said
  3. Putin: activities of foreign bank branches in Russia should today be restricted.
  4. Energy Resources - Russia to look for oil off Cuban coas.
  5. Technical Regulations About safety of food production.
  6. The important changes concerning the completing the Declaration of Conformity.
  7. 2012.05.13 Founder of the pro-Kremlin movement Nashi Vasily Yakemenko is convinced that United Russia will lose the next parliamentary election.
  8. >> More news >>

Express Certification Services

Certificate in 2 days !

Certificate for Custom Union:

certification in russia TRCU The TR Conformity Certificates of the Customs Union - Since 25 September 2010 new regulations came into force on certification equipment, production lines of various kinds, plants of various kinds.

Certificate of State Registration Certificate of State Registration - it is a document that confirms that product is safe for human health. This document is issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Development for the production or importation of products which meet the sanitary regulations and hygienic standards of Customs Union: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

Fire safety certificate Fire Safety Certificate - is an integral part of certificate of conformity GOST-R. A certification procedure is determined by the State Fire Safety Service upon consultation with the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

GOST-R GOST-R Certificate of Conformity - certifies quality of supplied goods and their conformity with norms and standards RF.

Certificate GOSSTROY Certificate of GOSSTROY - this certificate is issued for products which are use in construction. That document confirms that products meet requirements of definite major normative and technical documents adopted for these products (GOST-R, SniP, PB, etc.)

Permit of GOSTEKHNADZOR Permit of GOSTEKHNADZOR - a permission of GOSTEKHNADZOR of Russia for manufacturing and using products, is a document which is required for products used by potentially dangerous production facilities.

UkrSepro Ukrainian UkrSEPRO Certificates - confirms quality of supplied goods and their conformity with Ukrainian norms and standards.

tr Ukrainian Hygiene Certificate
(Sanitary Epidemiological Conclusion)
- it is based on a given permission of Ukrainian Ministry of Health for production or import goods according to statutory requirements. A hygienic report is an official confirmation that products are safe for human health.

Sanitary Epidemiological Conclusion Sanitary Epidemiological Conclusion Russija Białoruś Kazachstan (dla Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)) - Sanitary Epidemiological Conclusion Russija Białoruś Kazachstan (dla Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU))

Product labeling Eurasian Economic Product labeling Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) - Product labeling Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)


Our accreditation includes the following group of products:

Electrical engineering, instrument-making, radio engineering:

  • Domestic appliances (refrigerators, washing and sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, hygienic machines for cooking and kitchen work, electric instrument)
  • Lightning wares, watt-hour electric meters
  • Electronic equipment, means of communication, alarm systems, TV-sets
  • PC, slot machines
  • Cinema- and photo- equipment and accessories, watches
  • Electric power supply items (accumulators, cells and batteries)
  • Domestic electrical welding equipment

Raw materials, materials, substances and wares of industrial and domestic purposes:

  • Solvents, hydrogen peroxide
  • Polymers, plastic masses and wares
  • Petroleum-chemistry production
  • Oil, lubricants
  • Inorganic chemistry production
  • Detergents, Shampoos, Crockery
  • Domestic chemistry production
  • Coolagents, cooling liquids
  • Detergents for textile wares, stain removers
  • Car, motorcycle and bicycle detergents
  • Another domestic chemistry production, clues, corroborative, flavoring and deodorant agents
  • Thermoses, Fertilizers

Textile and light industry production:

  • Textile, matters, decorative items
  • Textile wares, Clothes, Sack and fibres
  • Carpets and wares, Toys
  • Shoes, including professional shoes

Agricultural and food production:

  • Cereals, grounds and wares, including bread
  • Meat and poultry, meat wares, cookery
  • Fish and sea food, Fruits and vegetables
  • Fats of animal and vegetable origin
  • Confectionary (made of meal and sugar), sugar, chocolate
  • Wine, vodka and other alcohol beverages, beer