RTN permission - required documentation
The list of documents required for industrial safety assessment and obtainment of an operating permit for technical devices (both domestically and foreign-made).
The list of documents is subject to change depending on the product subject.
Declaration of Intent bearing the company stamp and signature of the Director.
Proxy from the producer (manufacturer).
Details of the producer (manufacturer).
Description of the technical device, the external appearance, specifications, field of use.
Technical documentation (passport, users manual, drawings to design products with specific elements of the material, instructions on assembly, use on assembly) including testing of the method of execution control, duration and period of use, standards and requirements for safe use, order of the technical service, repair and diagnostics.
Protocols of the factory testing.
Information on the chemical composition and mechanical strength of materials used to manufacture the products.
Required Certificate of conformity GOST R or TR certificate
Copy of protocol testing and approval.
Certificate explosion measures (if necessary, on some technical devices).
Foreign certificates.
Certified ISO 9000 (in case of presence)
Testing protocols independent foreign laboratories (in case of presence).
Certificates of acceptance, retention, and packed.
Duration data and equipment resources.