Technical Regulations About safety of food production.
1 July 2013 entered into force the technical regulations of the Customs Union About safety of food production (except for the requirements for milk and milk production, meat and meat production).
There is a new order and the list of food production, subject to the state registration.
Since 1 July 2013, liable to the state registration are:
food for children, including drinking water for children;
dietary food and dietary prophylactic products;
natural mineral water, medical and drinking mineral water with salinity above 1mg/dm3 or with lower salinity, containing biologically active substances, in an amount not less than the standard of balneotherapy;
food for athletes, pregnant women and nursing mothers;
biologically active substances, added to the food;
a new type of food.
According to the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union (9 December 2011) to 15 February 2015 to the state registration are liable natural mineral water, bottled drinking water, soft drinks, food additives, complex food additives, flavorings, vegetable extracts which help to support flavor and smell, starter cultures of microorganisms and cultures of bacteria, enzymes, food which is prepared with using genetically modified (transgenic) organisms, including modified microorganisms.
The procedure of the state registration of specialized food is set out in the technical regulations ’About the safety of food production’. You have to provide evidence of conformity with the above-mentioned technical regulations, and the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union, which are valid for the product.
Also 1 July 2013 entered into force the technical regulations of the Customs Union, for the production of fruit and vegetable juice, production of oils and fats, grain safety, food labeling, safety of certain types of special food, including treatment, nutrition and prevention food, safety of food additives, flavorings used in processing.
Up to 15 February 2015 there is a transitional period, during which there is allowed the production of food and putting them on the market, on the basis of documents, existing before the entry into force of the technical regulations.