Changes in Technical Regulations of the Customs Union on Tobacco Products.
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation is dissatisfied with new technical regulations of the Customs Union on tobacco products. The authorities have issued a corresponding conclusion and submitted it to the developers of regulations.
The authorities paid the greatest attention to the provision which prohibits application of the labels onto the cigarette packs that inform the consumers of the softness and mildness of tobacco products.
Representatives of the Ministry are asking the developers of technical regulations to ease the ban on terms and symbols that help people conclude that some cigarettes are less harmful to their health than others. Such signs may be located on the packs with help of symbols, words or description in a foreign language.
This refers to such terminology as "low-tar", "mild", "light", etc. The officials believe that the enforced ban will first influence the manufacturers who have such symbols in their trademarks. This may reduce the competitiveness of their products and break the powers of the trademark holder.
The new draft of technical regulations that was developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation was published in November 2011. The new requirements will probably come into force in 2014.
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