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Types of certification schemes:


Costs and Conditions to obtain:

  1. Russian certificates
  2. Ukrainian certificate
  3. Certificate for Kazakhstan


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  1. Russian ministry expects to complete WTO talks by yr-end.
  2. Russia will have to gradually raise the retirement age to 65 years, Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Shatalov said
  3. Putin: activities of foreign bank branches in Russia should today be restricted.
  4. Energy Resources - Russia to look for oil off Cuban coas.
  5. Technical Regulations About safety of food production.
  6. The important changes concerning the completing the Declaration of Conformity.
  7. Russia: About Gost R Standard to Technical Regulations TR
  8. >> More news >>

Certification of toys in the Customs Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus)

In July 2012 Technical Regulations entered into force on New Technical Regulation for the safety of toys. From this date all toys can be export on the Russian market if their production is in line with the new technical regulations contained in the Customs Union, as well as technical regulations EAW Eurasian Economic Community. According to this regulation toy should posses a single mark of conformity. These toys whose are not marked with a single mark of conformity for products of the Customs Union member states cannot be released for sale on the market of the Customs Union.

Marking must contain the following information:

  • name of the toy;
  • country of origin;
  • name and location of the manufacturer (person authorized by the manufacturer), the importer, their contact information;
  • trade mark of the manufacturer (if any);
  • minimal age of the child for which the toy is intended or an icon indicating the age of the child;
  • main construction material (for children under 3 years of age).;
  • methods of care of the toy (if needed);
  • manufacture date (month, year);
  • service life or working life (when established);
  • storage conditions (if necessary).

Before the introduction to the market, the toys are subjected to conformity assessment procedures with safety technical regulations of the Customs Union. The conformity assessment of toys is by certification. Certificate of Conformity TR for serial production of toys is valid for a maximum of 5 years

Detailed inquiry for certification Russian State Registration Certificate

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