What is the GOST-R certificate?
How to obtain for GOST-R certificate?
I heard that to export to Russia I need to obtain for GOST- R certificate, what is that and where can I make these?
My customer from Russia asking me for GOST-R approval, what is that?
What is different between Russian certificate, Kazakhstan Certificate and Ukrainian Certificate?
GOST-R certification is important to gain customs clearance for products at the Russian borders. The GOST-R certificate indicates compliance with the Russian standards. If the products are deemed for use in hazardous locations, then additionally a permit for use (RTN) is required and is issued by the Rostekhnadzor (Russian Ministry). In 2011, there were accepted a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) where the GOST-R certification were accepted in Belarus (GOST-B), Tajikistan (GOST-T), and Kazakhstan (GOST-K).
The document must by approved by the official person (official persons) or special documents issued.
Approval stamp of the document must contain the words APPROVED (without the quotes), name of the person claiming the document, the signature, initials, surname and date of approval.
In approving the document by several official persons have their signatures on the same level.
Approving list are not included in the total number of sheets of paper.
Approving list makes specifications after the approved document and stored in the enterprise - the holder of the original document.
Copies of the approved list are sent to the customer and the parent company.
An approving document should be completed in accordance with relevant existing model.