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Types of certification schemes:


Costs and Conditions to obtain:

  1. Russian certificates
  2. Ukrainian certificate
  3. Certificate for Kazakhstan


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  1. Russian ministry expects to complete WTO talks by yr-end.
  2. Russia will have to gradually raise the retirement age to 65 years, Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Shatalov said
  3. Putin: activities of foreign bank branches in Russia should today be restricted.
  4. Energy Resources - Russia to look for oil off Cuban coas.
  5. Technical Regulations About safety of food production.
  6. The important changes concerning the completing the Declaration of Conformity.
  7. The decision on the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the Customs Union.
  8. >> More news >>

From the 1 July 2012 the new technical regulations of the Customs Union come into force:

  • Technical Regulation "On safety of toys" (approved by Commission Decision of the Customs Union 09.23.2011 No 798)
  • Technical Regulation " On safety of the production of light industry" (approved by Commission Decision of the Customs Union 12.09.2011 No 876)
  • Technical Regulation " On safety of the package" (approved by Commission Decision of the Customs Union 08.16.2011 No 769)
  • Technical Regulation " On safety of production destined for children and youth" (approved by Commission Decision of the Customs Union 09.23.2011 No 797)
  • Technical Regulation " On safety of cosmetics and perfumery production" (approved by Commission Decision of the Customs Union 09.23.2011 No 799)

The above-mentioned technical regulations contain a list of necessary documents, which confirm the safety of production, in the form of evaluation and certification of compliance with technical regulations.

With the entry into force of new technical regulations, receiving and issuing documents under the previous regulations, standards and requirements of state, is not acceptable.

Documents that were issued before the entry into force of new technical regulations, shall be valid until the expiry date but not beyond the transitional periods provided in the technical regulations:
  • Technical Regulations "On safety of toys" - till the February 15, 2014 year;
  • Technical Regulations " On safety of the production of light industry" - till the 1 July 2014;
  • Technical Regulations " On safety of package" - till the February 15, 2014 year;
  • Technical Regulations " On safety of production destined for children and youth" - till the February 15, 2014 year;
  • Technical Regulations " On safety of cosmetics and perfumery production" - till the 1 July 2014.

According to the technical regulations "On safety of production destined for children and young people" will be preserved, the procedure of state registration and declaration of conformity for the following products:
  • teats for milk, soothers with latex, rubber and silicone;
  • Hygiene products (diapers, briefs, cotton for the ears and nose);
  • Crockery and cutlery for children under 3 years of age (cups, spoons, forks, bottles, etc.);
  • Toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes and the other for children under 3 years of age;
  • Products of one ply and knit for children under 3 years of age;
  • Knitted hosiery monolayer for children under 3 years of age;
  • Single-ply head cover for children under 3 years of age;

According to the technical regulations "On safety of cosmetics and perfumery production" the National Registration remains for :
  • Self tanning cosmetics;
  • skin whitening products
  • Cosmetics for tattoo;
  • Cosmetics for intimate hygiene;
  • Production for personal protection against the negative impact of the environment;
  • Cosmetics for children;
  • Production for dyeing, bleaching, etc. the hair;
  • Production for the chemical straightening and curling;
  • Production produced with the use of nanomaterials;
  • Production for depilation;
  • Scrubs, peelings
  • Hygiene products for mouth hygiene containing fluoride in excess of 15% (in the case of liquid ones 0.05%)
  • Products for the teeth whitening, containing hydrogen peroxide (0,1-6,0%)

From July 1, 2012 the Certificate of the National Registration will not be issued for other types of cosmetic manufacturing (decorative cosmetics, the production for hair and skin for adults) and other products that are not included in the technical regulations.

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